優勢觀點運用於高風險家庭 展開摘譯 | 關閉摘譯
  • Anthony, E.K., Alter, C.F., Jenson, J.M. (2009). Development of a Risk and Resilience-Based Out-of-School Time Program for Children and Youths. Social Work, 54(1), 45-55.» 摘要
    Abstract: Out-of-school time (OST) programs offer a unique Opportunity to provide educational supports to high-risk children and youths. The authors describe the utility of applying principles of risk and resilience to the development and evaluation of an OST program. Academic Outcomes among participants at the Bridge Project, an OST program located in three urban public housing communities, are presented to illustrate a risk and resilience approach to service delivered Implications for practice and research are delineated.
  • Arbeiter, E., & Toros, K. (2017). Participatory discourse: Engagement in the context of child protection assessment practices from the perspectives of child protection workers, parents and children. Children and youth services review, 74, 17-27.» 摘要
    Abstract: This article describes empirical results of the views of child protection workers, parents and children along different dimensions including interpretation of engagement, approaches with families in the engagement process, collaboration and relationship, barriers and factors promoting engagement. A qualitative study was undertaken of a sample of eleven child protection workers, eleven parents and eleven children in one county in South-Estonia. The study explored the participants' experiences and perspectives of the engagement, within the context of assessment in child protection practice, through in-depth semi-structured interviews. Results indicate that child protection workers demonstrate an over-reliance on expert- and deficit-based approaches, indicating a requirement for a focus on traditional social work assessment, concentrating on problems, and more investigative, coercive, and judgement-focused approaches. Both workers and parents valued the quality of relationships, emphasising trust, dialogue and support as important elements of engagement. According to children, they were not always considered as a subject in the assessment process, including their needs as the primary focus; children expressed the wish to be more heard and understood, with their opinions being taken into account. Findings propose that child protection workers are ‘stuck in the past’, in traditional deficit-based discourse, however families prefer ‘modern’, strengths-based perspectives.
  • Aronsson, G., Astvik, W., Gustafsson, K. (2014). Work Conditions, Recovery and Health: A Study among Workers within Pre-School, Home Care and Social Work. British Journal of Social Work, 44(6), 1654-1672.» 摘要
    Abstract: The study investigated the working conditions associated with the accumulation of stress and lack of recovery and how recovery is related to health. The study group was employed in pre-school, home care and social work (n = 193). Recovery was assumed to be an explanatory variable for the relations between work and health. The response rate on a survey was 79 per cent. Cluster analysis identified three groups: the 'Recovered' (36 per cent of the total group) and 'Not Recovered' (25 per cent) and the 'In-between' (39 per cent). The Not Recovered displayed the whole chain of risk factors, involving difficult working conditions to which they responded with increased compensatory strategies. Despite this group having significantly greater reports of ill health, work absenteeism was not greater, which is likely related to their substituting sickness absence with sickness presence. As many as 43 per cent of the social workers were found to belong to the Not Recovered group. Multiple regression analyses controlling for background variables revealed that the Not Recovered group had a significantly higher relative risk for poor self-rated health than those in the Recovered group. Even sharper increases in relative risk existed for the other five symptoms that were analysed. Practical implications and new research questions are discussed.
  • Ayland, L.& West, B.(2006). The Good Way Model: A Strengths-Based Approach for Working with Young People, Especially Those with Intellctual Difficulties Who Have Sexually Abusive Behaviour. Journal of Sexual Aggression, 12(2), 189-201.» 摘譯
    The good way model: A strrengths-based approach for working with young people, especially those with intellctual difficulties who have sexually abusive behaviour.
    此模式起初發展出來是用於有智能障礙且有被性虐待經驗的青少年,而現在已經擴展到使用於智能障礙的成人以及沒有失能的青少年。此模式是一個實務操作的模式,能夠詳細的去描述呈現普遍的需求,並且清楚的記述個案與工作者有效的討論行為與所經驗的過程。此模式透過傾聽案主的經驗描述過程來發展,並且對應著我們的概念架構來採取適當的修正發展。此模式是乃是採用優勢觀點為基楚,使用敘述理論取向並混合症狀復發的預防。在此模式裡,有兩個主要概念,首先,是聚焦於年輕人的身上,協助辨識他們的優勢,以及他們「優質生活(good life)」的組成要素,並且進一步的發展他們的能力,使其具有選擇「優質道路(good way)」的能力。其次,是處理年輕人失落和創傷的經驗,並且協助他們發展正向看待自己行為的能力,並且採取一些動作,修補改善這些所謂不被接受的行為。當前成功的個案已經展現出年輕的人們以及他們的家庭,都很樂意的使用這樣的模式,並且將其應用於監管他們的行為。迄今,完成這些方案的年輕人,已經沒有人會再犯下過去相同的錯誤。
  • Bailey, A., Hannays-King, C., Clarke, J., Lester, E., Velasco, D. (2013).Black Mothers Cognitive Process of Finding Meaning and Building Resilience after Loss of a Child to Gun Violence.British Journal Of Social Work,43(2),336-354. » 摘要
    Abstract:Loss of a child to gun violence is a traumatic experience that can leave parents in a state of trepidation, unable to find meaning. Meaning-making, learned from a cognitive system of appraisal, is central to their grieving process, especially in making sense of their loss. For black mothers, who are disproportionately affected by homicide loss, the phenomenon of making meaning remains overlooked. A sequential mixed-method approach is used to explore the cognitive process of black mothers in finding meaning and building resilience following loss of their children to gun violence. The quantitative aspect of this study demonstrated a relationship between black mothers resilience and cognitive reappraisal ( 0.476, t 0.3.628, p 0.001, R-2 0.226, F(1,45) 13.159, p 0.001). A subsequent qualitative approach clarified how ten black mothers constructed meaning of their loss and built resilience, and the factors involved in this process. Content analysis showed that finding meaning and achieving personal growth were influenced by social and cultural factors and grounded in spirituality. Interventions for black mothers who suffer gun violence loss should consider these factors in promoting growth and recovery
  • Barry M. (2011).'I realised that I wasn't alone': the views and experiences of young carers from a social capital perspective .Journal of Youth Studies,14(5), 523-539. » 摘要
    Abstract:The concept of social capital is very much an 'adult' concept, created by adults for adults, with children as the passive recipients of, primarily, parental social capital. The concept has been broken down into three particular subcategories - bonding (getting by), bridging (getting on) and linking (getting around). However, these subcategories equally do not relate readily to children and young people nor to different groups of young people. Young carers, for example, are a hidden population and their circumstances are relatively unknown, not least in terms of their social networks and access to social capital within the confines of their caring role. This article draws on a research study of 20 young carers in Scotland to explore the views and experiences of this particular group about their social networks and experiences of relationships with others, such as the family, friends and teachers. It concludes that young carers tend to keep their friends, family, and community networks separate from each other, and coupled with their perceived resilience and desire for self-sufficiency, this separation and protection of their individual social networks may result in reduced access to social capital in terms of getting on rather than getting by.
  • Beckerman, A.(1998). Charting a Course: Meeting the challenge of Permanency Planning for Children with Incarcerated Mothers. Child Welfare, 77 (5), 513-529.» 摘譯
    Charting a Course: Meeting the challenge of Permanency Planning for Children with Incarcerated Mothers
  • Bell-Tolliver, L., Burgess, R., Brock, L.J.(2009). African American Therapists Working With African American Families: An Exploration of the Strengths Perspective in Treatment. Journal of Marital and Family Therapy, 35(3), 293-307.» 摘要
    Abstract: With the exception of Hill's (1971, 1999) work, historically much of the literature on African American families has focused more on pathology than strengths. This study used interviews with 30 African American psychotherapists, self-identified as employing a strengths perspective with African American families, to investigate which strengths they identified in the families and how they use those strengths in therapy. Themes emerging from data analysis confirmed the continued importance of the five strengths Hill noted. In addition, two new strengths were identified by the participants: a willingness of a greater number of families to seek therapy, and the importance of family structure. Strategies used in engaging the families in therapy and practice implications for family therapists are discussed.
  • Ben-David, V., & Jonson-Reid, M. (2017). Resilience among adult survivors of childhood neglect: A missing piece in the resilience literature. Children and youth services review, 78, 93-103.» 摘要
    Abstract: Despite the established long-term effect of childhood maltreatment, some proportion of adult individuals, who suffered childhood maltreatment, appear more resilient than others and continue to function well in life. We searched the databases of MEDLINE, PsycINFO and ERIC in order to identify relevant studies on resilience among adult survivors of child neglect, which constitutes the most common form of child maltreatment. We found that the vast majority of quantitative (n=41) and qualitative (n=45) studies on resilience among adult survivors focused on survivors of sexual and physical abuse rather than neglect. Only few studies examined neglect often along with other forms of child maltreatment. We reviewed the studies, identified gaps in the existing literature, and suggested directions for future research.
  • Bhana A., Bachoo S. (2011). The determinants of family resilience among families in low- and middle-income contexts: a systematic literature review. South African Journal of Psychology, 41(2), 131-139. » 摘要
    Abstract:Resilience research has traditionally revolved around individual risk and protective factors that enable people to succeed in spite of adverse circumstances. More recently, the scope of resilience research has expanded into the interpersonal realm, giving rise to constructs such as family resilience (FR). In this systematic literature review, we identify the empirically validated determinants of family resilience, with particular reference to low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). Twelve databases were searched for relevant peer-reviewed publications from 1991 to 2010. A review of the findings revealed several familial and social resilience-building factors for families in LMICs. We discuss these findings in relation to findings from better-resourced contexts and provide recommendations for future research.
  • Bolzan, N., Gale, F. (2012).Using an interrupted space to explore social resilience with marginalized young people. Qualitative Social Work, 11(5), 502-516. » 摘要
    Abstract: In this article we discuss the advantages of using an 'interrupted space' to explore understandings of Social Resilience with marginalized young people. In researching with communities of youth who live with multiple disadvantage and who may have little experience of social resilience we sought to create an 'interrupted space' in their daily lives in order to explore how they may construct or define social resilience given a different life world. Examples are given of how an interrupted space enabled insight into aspects of social resilience which may have remained hidden had there been no 'circuit breaker' in these young people's lives enabling them to contribute. Where new opportunities were provided those who may have previously been excluded from dialogue were enabled to experience and contribute to an understanding of social resilience.
  • Boyraz G., Sayger T.V. (2011). Psychological Well-Being Among Fathers of Children With and Without Disabilities: The Role of Family Cohesion, Adaptability, and Paternal Self-Efficacy .American Journal of Mans Health, 5(4), 286-296. » 摘要
    Abstract: The purpose of this study was to examine the role of family cohesion, adaptability, and paternal self-efficacy in psychological well-being of fathers of children with and without disabilities and whether the effects of these variables on psychological well-being were the same for both groups of fathers. In addition, the potential differences in perceived well-being between the two groups of fathers were examined. Sixty-three fathers of children with disabilities and 217 fathers of typically developing children participated in this study. Fathers of children with disabilities scored significantly higher on the self-acceptance dimension of psychological well-being compared with fathers of children without disabilities. After controlling for the demographic factors, family cohesion and paternal self-efficacy significantly and positively predicted well-being of fathers; the effects of these variables on well-being were the same for both groups of fathers.
  • Brown D.L., Tylka T.L. (2011). Racial Discrimination and Resilience in African American Young Adults: Examining Racial Socialization as a Moderator. Journal of Black Psychology, 37(3), 259-285. » 摘要
    Abstract:Research has indicated that racial discrimination places African Americans at risk for psychological distress, in which they experience low levels of well-being. Yet many African Americans are resilient, or have preserved well-being, when faced with this adversity. Using a strength-based approach, this study determined whether racial socialization messages preserved African Americans' resilience when experiencing racial discrimination. Results with a sample of 290 young adult African American college students indicated that overall racial socialization messages, as well as specific messages to appreciate cultural legacy, moderated the relationship between racial discrimination and resilience. As expected, racial discrimination was negatively related to resilience for students who reported fewer racial socialization messages, and racial discrimination was no longer negatively associated with resilience for students reporting a greater number of these messages. Additionally, racial socialization messages predicted unique variance in resilience.
  • Canvin, K., Marttila, A., Burstrom, B., Whitehead, M.(2009). Tales of The Unexpected? Hidden Resilience in Poor Households in Britain. Social Science & Medicine, 69(2), 238-245.» 摘要
    Abstract: Society tends to have low expectations for the health, employment, and family stability of people living in poverty and disadvantage, reinforced by a body of research focused on risk factors and negative outcomes. This 'deficit model' has pervaded policy and interventions to tackle inequalities in health, in particular in relation to area-based initiatives to improve the health of socio-economically disadvantaged communities. In contrast, the study presented here adopts a positive approach, specifically that of resilience, which we conceptualise as: the process of achieving positive and unexpected outcomes in adverse conditions. Taking account of the critiques of resilience research, we aimed to discover what could be learnt from a health inequalities policy perspective about resilience in poor households in Britain if. a) the voices of people experiencing hardship were heard: b) resilience was conceptualised as a process, rather than as a an individual trait; and c) the social context and conditions that helped or hindered that process of resilience were identified. We interviewed 25 adults with experience of material adversity and 18 social welfare workers with experience of working with people in these circumstances, as well as recording observations at the 13 fieldwork sites in England and Wales. The study provided many "tales of the unexpected" from participants living in disadvantaged circumstances. The participants recounted how they coped with very difficult situations, their achievements in these circumstances, the transitions they had made in their lives and what had helped them along the way. These transitions often occurred contrary to participants' and others' expectations. Interactions that promoted these transitions included family and community support, respectful attitudes and behaviour of service providers, and the chances offered to them to engage in activities that bolstered self-esteem. Recognition of such resilience, however, should complement, rather than detract from, wider societal efforts to reduce the material deprivation in which too many people within the population live.
  • Chen, HJ., Kovacs, PJ.(2013). Working With Families in Which a Parent Has Depression: A Resilience Perspective. Families In Society-The Journal Of Contemporary Social Services,94(2), 114-120.» 摘要
    Abstract: The association between parental depression and child maladjustment is well documented in the literature. Less is known about the strengths and potential protective mechanisms that help promote resilience for this population. This literature review addressing resilience in families was conducted to help inform policy and practice for families living with parental depression. Five protective factors-goodness of fit, self-esteem and self-efficacy, social support, family functioning, and opportunities for change-and four practice principles-discovery of resources and abilities, explanation of risk and protective factors, development of collaborative family relationships, and social support-emerged from this review. Implications for policy and practice in light of these principles are provided.
  • Chiu, MYL., Wei, GFW ., Lee, S., Choovanichvong, S., Wong, FHT.(2013). Empowering caregivers: Impact analysis of FamilyLink Education Programme (FLEP) in Hong Kong, Taipei and Bangkok. International Journal of Social Psychiatry ,59(1), 28-39.» 摘要
    Abstract: Background: Education and support for caregivers is lacking in Asia and the peer-led FamilyLink Education Programme (FLEP) is one of the few provisions to address this service gap. This study aims to evaluate quantitatively its efficacy in reducing subjective burdens and empowering the participants. Method: One hundred and nine caregiver participants in three Asian cities were successfully surveyed at pre-intervention, post-intervention and six-month intervals with a number of standard inventories. Mixed analysis of variance (ANOVA) procedures showed significant programme impact over time intervals for all sites, and subsequently an empowerment measurement model was tested. Results: FLEP was found effective in reducing worry and displeasure, significantly improving intra-psychic strain, depression and all empowerment measures. The measurement model had an acceptable good fit. Baseline difference showed no interference with the programme efficacy. Conclusions: Apart from the initial support for FLEP, the current study also provides some hindsight on the empowerment practice in mental health for Asia, whose sociocultural political contexts are vastly different from that of the developed countries. It remains to be seen whether qualitative data or more stringent research design will yield consistent results and whether FLEP can also work in rural areas.
  • Cooley, M. E., Thompson, H. M., & Wojciak, A. S. (2017). Risk, resilience, and complexity: Experiences of foster parents. Children and Youth Services Review, 76, 35-41.» 摘要
    Abstract: Foster parents are the individuals who provide caregiving services to children in substitute care. Foster parents are faced with multiple demands when it comes to providing care for foster children, for which they may not expect or be prepared. The purpose of this study was to examine current and former foster parents' experiences within the child welfare system to better understand what their unique experiences have been and their perception of the need for changes to the system, specifically highlighting areas of resilience. This study included 39 current and former foster parents from across the United States. Three overarching themes were identified: concerns about the complexity of the child welfare system, personal narratives that highlight the complexity in the system, and means of navigating complex experiences within the child welfare system. Findings were described and discussed within the context of a resilience model. These findings have implications for foster parent training, support, and intervention with foster parents currently involved in the child welfare system.
  • Cunningham, L. C., Shochet, I. M., Smith, C. L., & Wurfl, A. (2017). A qualitative evaluation of an innovative resilience‐building camp for young carers. Child & Family Social Work, 22(2), 700-710.» 摘要
    Abstract: Young carers are at increased risk of developing mental health and social problems. The objective was to pilot a camp-based resilience-building programme for young carers. Twelve young carers (12 to 14 years) recruited from Carers Queensland attended a 3-day resilience-building camp adapted from the Resourceful Adolescent Program. One month after the camp, carers participated in a semi-structured telephone interview. Thematic analysis was used to analyse the data. Two key themes emerged. The first, coping self-efficacy, included subthemes of affect regulation, interpersonal skills, and recognition of strengths and coping ability. The second key theme, social benefits, included opportunities for respite and social engagement. Overall, participants reported enjoying the camp and would recommend it to other young carers, yet they were able to provide some suggestions to improve future camps. Implementing an integrative resilience-building program such as the Resourceful Adolescent Program in a camp format shows promise as a way of both engaging and benefiting young carers, as well as selective populations more generally.
  • Deborah, PK., Bikki, ST., Henwood, BF.&Tiderington, E.(2012). Life Course Adversity in the Lives of Formerly Homeless Persons With Serious Mental Illness: Context and Meaning. American journal of orthopsychiatry, 82(3), 421-430.» 摘要
    Abstract:This qualitative study assessed the frequency and subjective meaning of adverse experiences using case study analyses of interviews with 38 formerly homeless adults with co-occurring serious mental illness (SMI) and substance abuse histories. Adverse life events were inventoried using an adaptation of Lloyd and Turners (2008) 41-item checklist. Participants averaged 8.8 adverse events, with approximately one-third having experienced incarceration (37%), suicidality (32%), abandonment by one or both parents (30%), and death of their mother (34%). Cross-case analyses yielded 3 themes: social losses because of death and estrangement; the significance of chronic stressors as well as acute events; and the cumulative lifetime nature of adversity. Findings suggest that life course experiences of trauma and loss have a cumulative influence in the lives of this population in addition and in relation to SMI, substance abuse, and homelessness. In this context, the mental health recovery movement should address prior adverse experiences beyond comorbid diagnoses in this population.
  • Degeneffe, C.E., Chan, F., Dunlap, L., Man, D., Sung, C.(2011). Development and Validation of the Caregiver Empowerment Scale: A Resource for Working With Family Caregivers of Persons With Traumatic Brain Injury. Rehabilitation Psychology, 56(3), 243-250.» 摘要
    Abstract:To use multitrait analysis to determine the measurement structure of the Caregiver Empowerment Scale (CES). Participants: An American sample of 87 adult primary family caregivers of persons with traumatic brain injury (TBI). Results: A four-factor structure was identified including factor 1 (Advocacy Self-Efficacy), factor 2 (Community Self-Efficacy), factor 3 (Caregiver Self-Efficacy), and factor 4 (Personal Self-Efficacy). Conclusions: The CES provides clinicians and researchers a means to assess self-perceived coping abilities of family caregivers of persons with TBI.
  • D'Enbeau, S., Kunkel, A.(2013). (Mis)managed Empowerment: Exploring Paradoxes of Practice in Domestic Violence Prevention. JOURNAL OF APPLIED COMMUNICATION RESEARCH, 41(2), 141-159.» 摘要
    Abstract:Empowerment approaches to domestic violence prevention are gaining in popularity because of their commitment to individualized care and recognition that the survivor is the expert of her own life. However, organizations charged with empowering survivors of domestic violence confront paradoxes when putting empowerment theory into practice. To better understand how practitioners address paradoxes of practice, we take a grounded practical theory approach to explore how one domestic violence prevention organization discursively constructs and enacts empowerment in organizational life. Our analysis reveals two paradoxes of practice: (1) a paradox of consistency, and (2) a paradox of transparency. Both paradoxes inform and constrain social change organizing. This study's practical promise is revealed in the discursive strategies employed by organizational members to bridge the gap between empowerment in theory and empowerment in practice.
  • Douglas-Siegel, JA., Ryan, JP.(2013). The effect of recovery coaches for substance-involved mothers in child welfare: Impact on juvenile delinquency. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 45(4), 381-387.» 摘要
    Abstract: Despite the documented relationship between parental substance abuse and youth delinquency, the effects of parental interventions on delinquency outcomes are unknown. Such interventions are particularly vital for families in the child welfare system who are at heightened risk for both parental substance involvement and youth delinquency. The current study tested the impact of intensive case management in the form of a recovery coach for substance-involved mothers on youth delinquency outcomes among a randomized sample of 453 families involved in a Title IV-E experimental waiver demonstration in Cook County, Illinois. In comparison to control group participants, families enrolled in the Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse (AODA) waiver demonstration experienced a lower rate of juvenile arrest, net of factors such as demographic characteristics, primary drug of choice, and time spent in substitute care. Findings support efforts to curb delinquency among child-welfare involved youth by providing recovery coaches to their substance abusing or dependent parents.
  • Douglas, E. M., McCarthy, S.C., Serino, P.A. (2014). Does a Social Work Degree Predict Practice Orientation? Measuring Strengths-Based Practice Among Child Welfare Workers With the Strengths-Based Practices Inventory-Provider Version. Journal of Social Work Education, 50(2), 219-233.» 摘要
    Abstract: Strengths-based practice (SBP) is one of the primary modalities of social work practice. The literature on SBP does not address a standardized tool for measuring SBP or whether receipt of a social work degree is related to practice orientation. We measure SBP with a provider-based Strengths-Based Practices Inventory (SBPI-P) and examine whether a social work degree is associated with a higher level of SBP among 453 child welfare workers. The results indicate that the SBPI-P is a reliable measure of SBP, with three factors-Empowerment, Community-Culture, and Sensitivity-Knowledge-and that receipt of a social work degree is not associated with SBP. We discuss the potential reasons for the results and make recommendations for future research in the measurement of SBP.
  • Du,T.(2009). Resilience in Remarried Families. American Journal of Family Therapy,37(2), 114-126.» 摘譯
    Resilience in remarried families
  • Early, T. J., GlenMaye, L. E. (2000). Valuing Families: Social Work Practice with Families from a Strengths Perspective. Social Work, 45 (2), 118-130.» 摘譯
    Valuing Families: Social Work Practice with Families from a Strengths Perspective
  • Fougere, A., Daffern, M., Thomas, S. (2012). Toward an empirical conceptualisation of resilience in young adult offenders.Journal Of Forensic Psychiatry & Psychology, 23 (5-6): 706-721.» 摘要
    Abstract:As the risk assessment field develops, a growing trend to consider protective factors as well as risk factors of individuals involved with the justice system has emerged. Resilience is one purported protective factor that has been highlighted as being of potential importance. However, conceptualisation of the construct of resilience has been unclear, and little related research has been undertaken with offender populations. This study sought to address these shortcomings by examining a range of factors thought to comprise resilience and determining whether these factors were associated with resilience in a sample of young adult and youth offenders. Initial analyses showed that an absence of a likely mental health diagnosis was the only factor significantly correlated with resilience, with alcohol and/or drug problems and psychopathy approaching statistical significance. Subsequent multivariate analysis found absence of a likely mental health diagnosis to be the only significant contributing factor to resilience, explaining only a small (approximately 6%) amount of total variance, as measured by the Resilience Scale. The results suggest refinement of the resilience construct is necessary, and that risk assessment measures incorporating assessments of resilience may need to reconceptualise and redefine resilience.
  • Freiberg, K., Homel, R., Branch, S. (2014). The Parent Empowerment and Efficacy Measure (PEEM): A Tool for Strengthening the Accountability and Effectiveness of Family Support Services.Australian Social Work, 67 (3): 405-418.» 摘要
    Abstract:This article describes the development, validity, and reliability of the Parent Empowerment and Efficacy Measure (PEEM). Development was guided by theory and by challenges faced by Pathways to Prevention family support staff who required a short, practical, and reliable measure of parent empowerment. The measure's psychometric properties were tested using data from 866 parents of children aged 5 to 12, living in high to low socioeconomic status areas. Principal factor analysis revealed a strong general dimension with high internal consistency (alpha = 0.92) that correlated at 0.60 or more with three validation measures, as well as the existence of two hypothesised subfactors (correlated at 0.78): efficacy to parent and efficacy to connect, each with internal consistencies of 0.85+. Test-retest reliability (n = 200) was 0.84. PEEM exhibits excellent convergent and concurrent validity and is a reliable tool for use in planning services, monitoring participant progress, and evaluating program effectiveness.
  • Frisby, BN., Booth-Butterfield, M., Dillow, MR., Martin, MM., Weber, KD. (2012). Face and resilience in divorce: The impact on emotions, stress, and post-divorce relationships.Journal Of Social And Personal Relationships, 29 (6): 715-735.» 摘要
    Abstract:Facework and resilience frameworks were employed to examine threats to, and the protection of, marital partners' identity during divorce and as they relate to outcomes associated with divorce. Divorced participants (N = 103) reported on the communicative face threats and support during divorce, reporting greater positive face threat and negative facework during divorce. The non-initiator experienced negative outcomes, including negative face threat and negative emotion, but reported no differences in stress when compared to the initiator or mutual decision makers. In addition, positive face threats and facework during divorce predicted post-divorce relationships. Specifically, low positive face threat and high positive face support were related to divorcees' inclination to engage in positive interpersonal relationships after the divorce.
  • Fuentes‐Peláez, N., Balsells, M., Fernández, J., Vaquero, E., & Amorós, P. (2016). The social support in kinship foster care: A way to enhance resilience. Child & Family Social Work, 21(4), 581-590.» 摘要
    Abstract: This paper analyses how social support enhances family resilience in kinship foster families by involving the families in an educational group programme. Sixty-two kinship foster families from Spain participated in the research. The data were collected before the programme (interviews) and after the programme (interviews and focus groups), and these were analysed by content analysis with the programme Atlas.ti. The results show that the factors that contribute most to the development of family resilience are as follows: (i) feeling able to look for solutions when facing problems; (ii) an increase of their network of formal support; (iii) being able to offer support to other foster families; and (iv) feeling that the support they give to parents' foster children is socially recognized.
  • Gabalda, M.K., Thompson, M.P., Kaslow, N.J. (2010). Risk and Protective Factors for Psychological Adjustment Among Low-Income, African American Children. Journal of Family Issues, 31 (4): 423-444.» 摘要
    Abstract: This investigation identifies unique risk and protective factors for internalizing and externalizing problems among 8- to 12-year-old, low-income, African American children and tests cumulative risk and protective models. A total of 152 mother-child dyads complete questionnaires. Receipt of food stamps, mother's distress, and child maltreatment increase children's risk for internalizing and externalizing problems and family functioning ( adaptability, cohesion), and after-school program participation ( externalizing only) are protective against internalizing and externalizing problems. A cumulative risk model reveals that compared with youth with no risk factors, having one risk factor confers three-and fivefold risk for internalizing and externalizing symptoms, respectively. Having two or three risk factors confers 12 and 19 times greater risk for internalizing and externalizing symptoms, respectively. Compared with no protective factors, youth with two protective factors are 4 and 6 times less likely to display internalizing and externalizing problems, respectively. Implications for community-based preventive intervention efforts and future research are discussed.
  • Ghahremani, DG ., Oh, EY ., Dean, AC ., Mouzakis, K ., Wilson, KD., London, ED. (2013). Effects of the Youth Empowerment Seminar on Impulsive Behavior in Adolescents. JOURNAL OF ADOLESCENT HEALTH, 53 (1): 139-141.» 摘要
    Abstract: Purpose: Because impulsivity during adolescence predicts health-risk behaviors and associated harm, interventions that attenuate impulsivity may offer protection. We evaluated effects of the Youth Empowerment Seminar (YES!), a biopsychosocial workshop for adolescents that teaches skills of stress management, emotion regulation, conflict resolution, and attentional focus, on impulsive behavior. Methods: High school students (14-18 years of age) in the United States participated in YES! during their physical education classes. Students in a control group attended their usual curriculum and were tested in parallel. We used items from the Barratt Impulsiveness Scale (framed to reflect recent behavior) to assess students' behavior before and after they underwent the program. Results: Compared with the control group, YES! participants reported less impulsive behavior after the program. Conclusions: The results suggest that YES! can promote mental health in adolescents, potentially protecting them from harmful coping behaviors. (C) 2013 Society for Adolescent Health and Medicine.
  • Greeff, A. P. & Holtzkamp, J. (2007). The Prevalence of Resilience in Migrant Families. Family & Community Health , 30(3), p189-200.» 摘譯
    The prevalence of resilience in migrant families.
  • Giarratano, GP., Savage, J., Rick, S., Harville, E.& Barcelona de V. (2012). Disaster and Diaspora: Mental Health Status of Childbearing Women Living Through Disaster Recovery. Jognn-journal of obstetric gynecologic and neonatal nursing, 41, S128-S128.» 摘譯
    Abstract:This qualitative study assessed the frequency and subjective meaning of adverse experiences using case study analyses of interviews with 38 formerly homeless adults with co-occurring serious mental illness (SMI) and substance abuse histories. Adverse life events were inventoried using an adaptation of Lloyd and Turners (2008) 41-item checklist. Participants averaged 8.8 adverse events, with approximately one-third having experienced incarceration (37%), suicidality (32%), abandonment by one or both parents (30%), and death of their mother (34%). Cross-case analyses yielded 3 themes: social losses because of death and estrangement; the significance of chronic stressors as well as acute events; and the cumulative lifetime nature of adversity. Findings suggest that life course experiences of trauma and loss have a cumulative influence in the lives of this population in addition and in relation to SMI, substance abuse, and homelessness. In this context, the mental health recovery movement should address prior adverse experiences beyond comorbid diagnoses in this population
  • Harvey, A.R., McCullough-Chavis, A ., Littlefield, M.B., Phillips, A.D., Cooper, J.D. (2010). A Culturally Competent Family Enhancement and Empowerment Model for African American Parents .Smith College Studies in Social Work, 80 (1): 70-87.»摘要
    Abstract: The National Association of Social Worker's Standards for Cultural Competence (2002) mandates social work practices that recognize the cultural preferences of different groups in the United States. The NASW Code of Ethic (1996) states that social workers have a responsibility to understand culture and its function and to further recognize the strengths that exist in all cultures. This article addresses the void in the social work literature on culturally based and strengths-oriented family interventions for African American parents. The article describes a culturally competent intervention model developed by the MAAT Center for Human and Organizational Enhancement, Inc. in Washington, D. C. for parents of African American male youths who live in high-risk environments. The family enhancement and empowerment model (FEEM) is based on Africentric social work principles that are grounded in a strengths perspective. The article describes the FEEM program, including a discussion of practical strategies for building trust and offering support to African American parents and families.
  • Hardaway, C. R., McLoyd, V. C., Wood, D. (2012). Exposure to Violence and Socioemotional Adjustment in Low-Income Youth: An Examination of Protective Factors. American Journal of Community Psychology, 49(1-2), 112-126.»摘要
    Abstract:Using a sample of 391 low-income youth ages 13-17, this study investigated the potential moderating effects of school climate, participation in extracurricular activities, and positive parent-child relations on associations between exposure to violence (i.e., witnessing violence and violent victimization) and adolescent socioemotional adjustment (i.e., internalizing and externalizing problems). Exposure to violence was related to both internalizing and externalizing problems. High levels of participation in extracurricular activities and positive parent-child relations appeared to function as protective factors, weakening the positive association between exposure to violence and externalizing problems. Contrary to prediction, school climate did not moderate associations between exposure to violence and socioemotional adjustment. Further, none of the hypothesized protective factors moderated the association between exposure to violence and internalizing problems.
  • Hass, M., Allen, Q., Amoah, M. (2014). Turning points and resilience of academically successful foster youth. Children And Youth Services Review, 44, 387-392.»摘要
    Abstract:In this study, 19 young adults who were removed from their biological parents as children were interviewed about turning points in their lives that led to them to complete a post-secondary educational program or achieve at least junior standing in a four-year institution. The results suggest that a sense of autonomy, social and instrumental support, and access to "safe havens" interacted to facilitate turning-point events in their lives.
  • Hobbs, M., Baker, M.(2012). Hope for recovery - how clinicians may facilitate this in their work. Journal of mental health, 21(2), 145-154.»摘要
    Abstract:Using a sample of 391 low-income youth ages 13-17, this study investigated the potential moderating effects of school climate, participation in extracurricular activities, and positive parent-child relations on associations between exposure to violence (i.e., witnessing violence and violent victimization) and adolescent socioemotional adjustment (i.e., internalizing and externalizing problems). Exposure to violence was related to both internalizing and externalizing problems. High levels of participation in extracurricular activities and positive parent-child relations appeared to function as protective factors, weakening the positive association between exposure to violence and externalizing problems. Contrary to prediction, school climate did not moderate associations between exposure to violence and socioemotional adjustment. Further, none of the hypothesized protective factors moderated the association between exposure to violence and internalizing problems.
  • Joslin, D. (2009). Custodial Grandparent Empowerment: Models of Practice. Families in Society-The Journal of Contemporary Social Services, 90(2), 196-204.» 摘要
    Abstract: Numbering more than 2.4 million, custodial grandparents in the United States are 60% more likely to be poor than are noncustodial grandparents. Social inequities that accompany marginal income compound child-rearing challenges faced by kinship families. Empowerment is proposed as a framework to inform research, program development, and advocacy on behalf of custodial grandparents to promote collective and self-efficacy in problem solving, mediate negative health effects of stress, and participate in collective action and advocacy. Empowerment components at the individual, organizational, and community levels are outlined. Four empowerment practice models with custodial grandparents are reviewed, including a case study. Implications for professionals in human services are discussed.
  • Kam-shing, Y. (2006).A Strengths Perspective in Working with an Adolescent with Self-Cutting Behaviors. Child & Adolescent Social Work Journal , 23(2), 134-146.» 摘譯
    A strengths perspective in working with an adolescent with self-cutting behaviors.
  • Khanlou, N., Wray, R. (2014).A Whole Community Approach toward Child and Youth Resilience Promotion: A Review of Resilience Literature. International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction, 12(1), 64-79.»摘要
    Abstract:A literature review of child and youth resilience with a focus on: definitions and factors of resilience; relationships between resilience, mental health and social outcomes; evidence for resilience promoting interventions; and implications for reducing health inequities. To conduct the review, the first two following steps were conducted iteratively and informed the third step: 1) Review of published peer-review literature since 2000; and 2) Review of grey literature; and 3) Quasi-realist synthesis of evidence. Evidence from three perspectives were examined: i) whether interventions can improve 'resilience' for vulnerable children and youth; ii) whether there is a differential effect among different populations; and, iii) whether there is evidence that resilience interventions 'close the gap' on health and social outcome measures. Definitions of resilience vary as do perspectives on it. We argue for a hybrid approach that recognizes the value of combining multiple theoretical perspectives, epistemologies (positivistic and constructivist/interpretive/critical) in studying resilience. Resilience is: a) a process (rather than a single event), b) a continuum (rather than a binary outcome), and c) likely a global concept with specific dimensions. Individual, family and social environmental factors influence resilience. A social determinants perspective on resilience and mental health is emphasized. Programs and interventions to promoting resilience should be complimentary to public health measures addressing the social determinants of health. A whole community approach to resilience is suggested as a step toward closing the public health policy gap. Local initiatives that stimulate a local transformation process are needed. Recognition of each child's or youth's intersections of gender, lifestage, family resources within the context of their identity markers fits with a localized approach to resilience promotion and, at the same time, requires recognition of the broader determinants of population health.
  • Kilzer, G., Pedersen, D.E. (2011). The division of child care among couples with young children: An empowerment model. Social Science Journal, 48(2), 345-355. » 摘要
    Abstract: In this article, we present a qualitative analysis of couples' child care arrangements using an empowerment model. Data are taken from gender-segregated focus group interviews with eight married, co-residential couples parenting young children. We analyze this data using an empowerment model that focuses on individuals' experiences recognizing and acting on opportunities to exercise control, which in this case we conceptualize as preferences for child care involvement. In addition to this focus on interpersonal negotiation between parents, we build on Bronfenbrenner's (1979, 1986) ecological perspective and understand child care arrangements as emerging within complex social systems, demanding constant negotiation between the person and environment. Thus, our attention to empowerment includes a focus on the notable contexts of work, school, and community. We find that in many ways, both mothers and fathers in our sample felt little control over ecological factors shaping child care arrangements. For mothers, empowerment was a process that involved varying degrees of control over fathers' involvement in child care within the further confines presented by work and school. Fathers generally felt empowered to engage in child care tasks when they chose to do so. This stands in contrast to mothers' implicit responsibility for the care of their children and need to request fathers' involvement unless social contexts demanded it.
  • Knestrict, T., Kuchey, D. (2009). Welcome to Holland: Characteristics of Resilient Families Raising Children with Severe Disabilities. Journal of Family Studies, 15 (3): 227-244 Sp. Iss.» 摘要
    Abstract: This descriptive study sought to examine the resiliency factors families developed when faced with the challenges of raising a child manifesting a severe disability. The study compared and contrasted how families managed the additional responsibility and stress of raising a child with special needs. The study aimed to identify the key characteristics present in resilient families allowing them to not just survive but thrive, becoming in the process strengthened and resourceful. The study found that. there is a relationship between resilience and level of socio-economic status (SES). The study also found that having the time and the ability to reflect was a key to reconfiguration, which is seen as crucial in the development of resilience. Once afforded this type of time, the families reconstructed their vision of family, of disability and their child. Lastly, the study found that the development of resiliency was enhanced by the development of rhythm in the family. Rhythm is defined in this study as the establishment of consistent rules, rituals and routines.
  • Knight, C. (2017). Group Work with Homeless Mothers: Promoting Resilience Through Mutual Aid. Social Work, 62(3), 235–242.» 摘要
    Abstract: In the article, the author discusses how group work can be used to promote strength and resilience in homeless mothers, based on the current theoretical and empirical literature. The advantages of group work for homeless mothers are identified, as well as the skills and tasks associated with effective leadership of such groups. Common themes that surface in these groups are examined, as are challenges. The author's experiences facilitating a group for homeless mothers in a residential shelter are used to illustrate key points.
  • Laursen, E. K. (2000). Strength-Based Practice with Children in Trouble. Reclaiming Children and Youth, 9 (2), 70-75.» 摘譯
    Strength-Based Practice with Children in Trouble
  • Laursen, E. K. (2003). Frontiers in Strength-Based Treatment. Reclaiming Children and Youth, 12 (1), 12-17.» 摘譯
    Frontiers in Strength-Based Treatment
  • Lee, E., Esaki, N., Kim, J., Greene, R., Kirkland, K.,Mitchell-Herzfeld, S.(2013). Organizational climate and burnout among home visitors: Testing mediating effects of empowerment. CHILDREN AND YOUTH SERVICES REVIEW, 35(4), 594-602.» 摘要
    Abstract: While a large body of literature exists regarding the negative effects of burnout among human service workers, less is known about the organizational strategies that may play a role in its reduction or prevention. Using data from a survey of 179 home visitors in a statewide voluntary child maltreatment prevention program, we use hierarchical regression and structural equation models (SEM) to examine the processes of burnout. We found significant direct effects of a positive organizational climate predicting lower levels of burnout as well as mediating effects of worker empowerment on burnout. Findings suggest that research and practice would benefit by focusing on improving the work environment and empowering workers.
  • Lee, M.Y., Greene, G.J., Hsu, K.S.Y., Solovey, A., Grove, D., Fraser, J.S.,Washburn, P.,  Teater, B.(2009). Utilizing Family Strengths and Resilience: Integrative Family and Systems Treatment with Children and Adolescents with Severe Emotional and Behavioral Problems. Family Process, 35(4), 395-416.» 摘要
    Abstract: Community mental health agencies are consistently challenged to provide realistic and effective home-based family-centered treatment that meets local needs and can realistically fit within available budget and resource capabilities. Integrated Family and Systems Treatment (I-FAST) is developed based on existing evidence-based approaches for working with at-risk children, adolescents, and families and a strengths perspective. I-FAST identified 3 evidence-based, core treatment components and integrated them into a coherent treatment protocol; this is done in a way that builds on and is integrated with mental health agencies' existing expertise in home-based treatment. This is an intervention development study in which we conducted an initial feasibility trial of I-FAST for treating families with children at risk of out-of-home placement. The outcomes of the study provide initial empirical evidence that supports the effectiveness of I-FAST. Findings indicate that there were significant improvements in child behavior, significant increases in parental competency, and significant increases in the level of cohesion and adaptability in these families. All observed changes were significant from pre- to posttreatment with the families able to maintain these positive changes at 6-month follow-up. A more rigorous and robust research design, however, will be needed to establish definitive evidence of the effectiveness of I-FAST.
  • McConnell, D., Savage, A., Breitkreuz, R.(2014). Resilience in families raising children with disabilities and behavior problems. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 35(4), 833-848.» 摘要
    Abstract: The purpose of this study was to investigate the resilience displayed by families raising children with disabilities and behavior problems. The question is why do some families do well when others, exposed to similar stressors, struggle to keep their family life running? A stratified (by child age group) random sample of 538 families raising children with disabilities in Alberta, Canada took part. Participants completed the Family Life Survey, which incorporated measures of child behavior problems, social-ecological resources and family-level 'outcomes'. Families raising children with disabilities and behavior problems 'do well' under conditions of high social support and low financial hardship. In contrast, families with low levels of social support and high levels of financial hardship typically struggle, even when the number or intensity of child behavior problems is low. The study findings are consistent with the view that 'resilience' has more to do with the availability and accessibility of culturally relevant resources than with intrinsic, individual or family factors. With respect to family-level outcomes, strengthening social relationships and ameliorating financial hardship may be more important than behavior modification. (c) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
  • McDermott, B.M., Cobham, V.E., Berry, H., Stallman, H.M.(2010). Vulnerability Factors for Disaster-Induced Child Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder: The Case for Low Family Resilience and Previous Mental Illness. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 44 (4): 384-389.» 摘要
    Abstract: Objective: The aim of the present study was to investigate whether parent report of family resilience predicted children's disaster-induced post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and general emotional symptoms, independent of a broad range of variables including event-related factors, previous child mental illness and social connectedness. Methods: A total of 568 children (mean age = 10.2 years, SD = 1.3) who attended public primary schools, were screened 3 months after Cyclone Larry devastated the Innisfail region of North Queensland. Measures included parent report on the Family Resilience Measure and Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ)-emotional subscale and child report on the PTSD Reaction Index, measures of event exposure and social connectedness. Results: Sixty-four students (11.3%) were in the severe-very severe PTSD category and 53 families (28.6%) scored in the poor family resilience range. A lower family resilience score was associated with child emotional problems on the SDQ and longer duration of previous child mental health difficulties, but not disaster-induced child PTSD or child threat perception on either bivariate analysis, or as a main or moderator variable on multivariate analysis (main effect: adjusted odds ratio (ORadj) = 0.57, 95% confidence interval (CI) = 0.13-2.44). Similarly, previous mental illness was not a significant predictor of child PTSD in the multivariate model (ORadj = 0.75, 95% CI = 0.16-3.61). Conclusion: In this post-disaster sample children with existing mental health problems and those of low-resilience families were not at elevated risk of PTSD. The possibility that the aetiological model of disaster-induced child PTSD may differ from usual child and adolescent conceptualizations is discussed.
  • Mogro-Wilson C. (2011). Resilience in Vulnerable and At-Risk Latino Families .Infants & Young Children, 24(3), 267-279. » 摘要
    Abstract: The purpose of this article is to provide information about the strengths of Latino families to provide a knowledge base for providers in order to utilize the natural resiliency of Latinos in their practice and interventions. This article will review the literature and the most prominent theoretical models on the resiliency of Latino families and young children with disabilities. This information is used to create a conceptual model to describe how resilience factors for Latinos can be used by professionals. The conceptual model is a combination of cultural, community, family, and individual factors that produce protective mechanisms inherent to the Latino community and offer areas of resiliency. The article details these 4 domains of resiliency among Latino children and families with disabilities. A clearer understanding of the protective mechanisms for Latino families will increase cultural competence in the areas of policy, research, and practice.
  • Motti-Stefanidi, F., Masten, AS. (2012).School Success and School Engagement of Immigrant Children and Adolescents A Risk and Resilience Developmental Perspective.European Psychologist, 18(2), 126-135. » 摘要
    Abstract: Academic achievement in immigrant children and adolescents is an indicator of current and future adaptive success. Since the future of immigrant youths is inextricably linked to that of the receiving society, the success of their trajectory through school becomes a high stakes issue both for the individual and society. The present article focuses on school success in immigrant children and adolescents, and the role of school engagement in accounting for individual and group differences in academic achievement from the perspective of a multilevel integrative model of immigrant youths' adaptation (Motti-Stefanidi, Berry, Chryssochoou, Sam, & Phinney, 2012). Drawing on this conceptual framework, school success is examined in developmental and acculturative context, taking into account multiple levels of analysis. Findings suggest that for both immigrant and nonimmigrant youths the relationship between school engagement and school success is bidirectional, each influencing over time the other. Evidence regarding potential moderating and mediating roles of school engagement for the academic success of immigrant youths also is evaluated.
  • Murshid, N. S. (2016). Mothers' empowerment and father involvement in child health care in Bangladesh. Children and Youth Services Review, 68, 17-23.» 摘要
    Abstract: With the advent of a couple-approach to health, particularly in the arena of reproductive health and child health, father involvement in child health care has become an important focus of preventative health. This study assesses the association between mothers' empowerment variables and father involvement in childcare in Bangladesh using data from a subsample of 903 women from the Couples Dataset of the Bangladesh Demographic and Health Survey 2011. Father involvement in child health care was measured as a count variable enumerating the number of specific events during which the father was present: child's last doctor's visit, child's immunization, and birth. Poisson regression was conducted to assess the association between empowerment and demographic variables and father involvement. Results indicated that mothers' household decision-making power and age above 45 years, and fathers' age, fathers' education, and family wealth were significantly associated with father involvement. The study concludes that older and more educated fathers with family wealth and whose wives denied having household decision-making power were more likely to be involved in their children's lives than their counterparts.
  • Natalier, KA. (2012).Descriptions of loss and resilience among fathers paying child support.Journal Of Family Studies, 18(2-3), 246-255. » 摘要
    Abstract: In this paper, I present qualitative data on the ways in which 28 fathers contextualise their payment of child support in their relationships with their ex-partners, children and the Child Support Agency (CSA). Fathers described their experience in terms of either loss or resilience. Those in the loss category positioned themselves as victims of their ex-partner's use of the CSA. They understood their child support obligations as illustrative of broader processes of silencing and disempowerment, whereby their identities and practices as fathers were ignored. Those men who talked about their experiences in terms of resilience shared accounts of post-separation parenting that took place beyond the surveillance of the CSA, with parents focused on the best interests of their children. They did not experience a threat to their fathering choices or identities. The findings highlight the importance of gendered and expressive dimensions of child support.
  • Nieuwboer, C. C., Fukkink, R. G., & Hermanns, J. (2017). Analysing empowerment‐oriented email consultation for parents: development of the Guiding the Empowerment Process model. Child & Family Social Work, 22(S3), 61-71.» 摘要
    Abstract: Online consultation is increasingly offered by parenting practitioners, but it is not clear if it is feasible to provide empowerment-oriented support in a single session email consultation. Based on the empowerment theory, we developed the Guiding the Empowerment Process model (GEP model) to evaluate text-based consultation. By content analysis of the email advice (n = 129; 5997 sentences in total), we investigated the feasibility of the newly developed model (inter-observer agreement, internal consistency and factor structure) and its validity. Concurrent validity was evaluated by comparing coding results using the GEP model and a Social Support model that partially intersects with empowerment. Results showed good inter-observer reliability and internal consistency of the GEP model. The results provided evidence for its concurrent validity by a significant correlation of the coding results from the GEP model with the Social Support model, although it was also distinctive. All described techniques which practitioners may employ to guide the parental process towards empowerment were observed in the sample. Also, guidance was provided in all components of the empowerment process. Feasibility of the GEP model for content analysis of email consultation in parental support from a theoretical empowerment perspective has been demonstrated.
  • Orthner, D. K., Hinckley, J. S., Williamson, S. (2004). The Resilience and Strengths of Low-Income Families. Family Relations, 53(2),159-164.» 摘譯
    The Resilience and strengths of Low-Income Families
  • Pan E.L., Yi C.C. (2011).Constructing Educational Resilience: The Developmental Trajectory of Vulnerable Taiwanese Youth .Journal of Comparative Family Studies, 42(3),369-+. » 摘要
    Abstract: This study contends that the growth trajectory of disadvantaged youth does not need to follow the expected negative path. Diversified developmental patterns may be observed due to the resilience acquired in the process. To consider the cultural background of Taiwan, we selected five parent-youth dyads from economically poor families and explored possible mechanisms contributing to the educational success of children. Data are taken from in-depth interviews of Taiwan Youth Project (TYP). Drawing from memories of both parent and youth on how family practice and family relations contribute to resilience, we are able to document that educational resilience is the key to alter the negative developmental course. Among various individual and family strategies examined, parents' high aspiration and expectation of children's educational achievement is found to be the most pronounced factor leading to the positive outcome in terms of educational mobility. Analyzing the retrospective accounts of both generations, it is clear that parental expectation needs to be well perceived and accepted by children in order to achieve its goal. Furthermore, supportive parenting, actively monitoring children's homework since young, and providing better educational resources are conducive to constructing educational resilience. The implication of shared educational norms across different social classes is briefly discussed.
  • Pandey, S., Murugan, V., Karki, Y. B., & Mathur, A. (2017). In-home Smoking in Households with Women of Reproductive Age in Nepal: Does Women's Empowerment Matter?. Health & Social Work, 42(1), 32-40.» 摘要
    Abstract: Authors examined the prevalence and predictors of in-home smoking in households with women of reproductive age. They analyzed data from 9,837 ever married women from 2011 Nepal Demographic Health Survey. About 17 percent of women and 66 percent of their husbands smoked and 58 percent of the women lived in homes that permitted in-home smoking. About 6 percent of the women were pregnant and 42 percent had given birth within the past five years. In-home tobacco use was equally prevalent in homes with and without young children and irrespective of women's pregnancy status. Husband's use of tobacco doubled the odds of in-home smoking (odds ratio [OR] = 2.36; 95% confidence interval [CI] = 1.52–3.69) and wife's use of tobacco quadrupled the odds of in-home smoking controlling for other factors (OR = 3.94; 95% CI = 3.30–4.70). In addition, employed women were 39 percent more likely to allow in-home smoking than their unemployed counterparts (OR = 1.39; 95% CI = 1.19–1.63). Protective factors against in-home smoking were women's education, intrahousehold decision-making ability, household wealth, and urban residence. To reduce in-home smoking, social workers should increase awareness about the adverse consequences of secondhand smoke by providing counseling services to male and female tobacco users.
  • Peer, J. W., Hillman, S. B. (2014).Stress and Resilience for Parents of Children With Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities: A Review of Key Factors and Recommendations for Practitioners.Journal of Policy and Practice in Intellectual Disabilities, 11(2),92-98. » 摘要
    Abstract: Parents of children with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities experience more stress in comparison to parents of normally developing children. Chronic stress could negatively influence parents' health while also impacting their ability to meet their child's needs. Despite this, there is a subset of parents who remain resilient in the face of significant stress in their lives. Knowledge of the factors that promote parental resilience could positively impact the services these families receive. The authors conducted a systematic review of research article databases and found support for coping style, optimism, and social support as resilience factors for parents of children with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities. Awareness of variables that promote resilience for parents of children with intellectual and/or development disabilities is likely to inform clinical practice through offering new avenues for clinical focus in all phases of family-centered care.
  • Ponsford R.(2011).Consumption, resilience and respectability amongst young mothers in Bristol .Journal of Youth Studies, 14(5), 541-560. » 摘要
    Abstract: The progressive commercialisation of motherhood, babyhood and childhood means that consumption is becoming an increasingly important terrain through which maternal identity, style and parenting practices are displayed and 'caring projects' are enacted. Whilst all mothers may seek to act meaningfully by consuming for their children, this paper argues that aspects of material culture hold particular value for teenage mothers who are positioned outside the boundaries of normative mothering and are often managing on limited financial resources. Consumption emerges as an important site for oppositional strategies through which the young women who took part in this study seek to re-image themselves as respectable carers and deflect negative associations of poverty away from their children. The young mothers' investment in consumer goods, however, is often subject to public scrutiny, criticism and ridicule, and their spending is a site for policy intervention. This paper argues that these young mothers' consumption practices should not be seen as problematic, trivial or pathological, but rather they can be understood as an expression of resilience in the face of a sensation of public visibility, judgement and condemnation.
  • Raniga, T., & Mthembu, M. (2017). Family resilience in low income communities: A case study of an informal settlement in KwaZulu‐Natal, South Africa. International Journal of Social Welfare, 26(3), 276-284.» 摘要
    Abstract: Many of the people who are most vulnerable to the effects of poverty and deprivation reside in informal settlements in Africa. While there is growing evidence of the importance of family resilience, there is little documented evidence of how collective actions undertaken by families in African communities can contribute to this. In-depth interviews and focus-group sessions were conducted with single mothers residing in an informal settlement in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa to delineate the factors that contributed to their resilience. We examined the influence of social ties, self-efficacy and networks they had established beyond their immediate community on enhancing family resilience. Three key themes are discussed: determination to survive, rising above harsh economic conditions and establishing networks within and outside the community. We conclude that the foundation for building strong female-headed families lies in positive social ties, self-empowerment initiatives and tapping on established networks within and outside low income communities.
  • Reupert, A., Maybery, D. (2014). Practitioners' experiences of working with families with complex needs. Journal Of Psychiatric And Mental Health Nursing, 21(7), p642-651.» 摘要
    Low resilience in suicide attempters: relationship to depressive symptoms.
    Even though employing a family-sensitive approach has been shown to be beneficial for parents and children, there is sporadic uptake of this approach. This paper focuses on practitioners' perspectives when working with families where a parent, with dependent children, has a mental illness and/or substance abuse disorder. The aim of this research is twofold: (1) identify the issues practitioners face when working with families with complex needs; and (2) present the strategies they find to be effective in addressing family needs. Within the context of an organization that supported a family-sensitive approach, this study reports on 21 semi-structured interviews conducted over 15 months with 10 practitioners, as well as three focus group interviews with the same staff. Employing a qualitative framework, data highlighted the multifaceted nature of family problems, issues working with multiple agencies and problems associated with staff turnover. Successful strategies included working with the family on clearly defined and negotiated goals, focusing on family strengths and employing specific skills such as managing the sometimes competing needs of children and parents.
  • Roy, A., Sarchiapone, M. & Carli, V. (2007). Low Resilience in Suicide Attempters: Relationship to Depressive Symptoms. Depression & Anxiety , 24(4), p273-274.» 摘譯
    Low resilience in suicide attempters: relationship to depressive symptoms.
  • Ruiz-Robledillo, N., De Andres-Garcia, S., Perez-Blasco, J., Gonzalez-Bono, E ., Moya-Albiol, L.(2014). Highly resilient coping entails better perceived health, high social support and low morning cortisol levels in parents of children with autism spectrum disorder. QResearch in Developmental Disabilitiesy, 35(3), 686-695.» 摘譯
    Abstract:The negative consequences of caring for people with developmental disabilities have been widely described. However, the ability to bounce back from the stress derived from care situations has been less studied. Those caregivers who have shown this ability are considered as resilient. This study aims to evaluate the relationship between resilience and self-reported health and cortisol awakening response (CAR) in a sample of caregivers of people with autism spectrum disorders (ASD). It also aims to evaluate the role of social support as a mediator in the association between resilience and health. Caregivers with higher resilience show better perceived health, lower morning cortisol levels, and less area under the curve with respect to ground (AUCg). Social support was positively related to resilience and mediated the relationship between resilience and perceived health. This mediating effect was not found in the association between resilience and CAR. Resilience could be a protective factor that modulates the negative consequences of chronic stress in the care context. Social support could be an important variable mediating the effects of resilience on health outcomes in caregivers. All these results must be considered when implementing effective psychological programs for helping caregivers. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
  • Russell, LD.(2012). Creating Meaning From Chaos: Narrative and Dialogic Encounters in Family Crisis. Qualitative inquiry, 18(5), 391-400.» 摘譯
    Abstract:The event of a family crisis calls for crucial reactions with kin in response to intense uncertainty. In this autoethnographic reflection, the author narrates her family's struggle for meaning after learning that her brother suffered a near-fatal fall from a mountain peak of the Grand Tetons. In this article, the author depicts various perspectives she witnessed as her family dealt with multiple ambiguities surrounding her brother's accident. The author then explores how crisis awakens an individual's attention to present time and summons him or her to reorient his or her temporal self to focus on immediate moments. Moreover, the author demonstrates how dialogue and narrative interweave to shape family members' interpretations of unprecedented circumstances and new relational meanings.
  • Ryan, J. P., Victor, B. G., Moore, A., Mowbray, O., & Perron, B. E. (2016). Recovery coaches and the stability of reunification for substance abusing families in child welfare. Children and youth services review, 70, 357-363.» 摘要
    Abstract: Substance abuse is a long-standing challenge for child welfare systems. Parental substance abuse disrupts family stability, family cohesion, and jeopardizes the well-being of children. In the current study we test an intervention to improve child welfare outcomes for substance abusing families, specifically the probability of families achieving a stable (at least 12 months) reunification. The intervention was an integrated case management model where recovery coaches were appointed to substance abusing parents associated with an open foster care placement. A diverse group of families (n = 1623) were randomly assigned to either a control group (services as usual) or an experimental group (services as usual plus a recovery coach). Multinomial logistic regression indicated that substance abusing parents associated with a recovery coach were significantly more likely to achieve a stable reunification as compared with similar families in the control group.
  • Saint-Jacques, M.C., Turcotte, D., Pouliot, E. (2009). Adopting a Strengths Perspective in Social Work Practice With Families in Difficulty: From Theory to Practice. Families in Society-The Journal of Contemporary Social Services, 90(4),   454-461.» 摘要
    Abstract: There is a growing trend in social work practice to use a strengths perspective with families in difficulty. Beginning with a description of the characteristics of the strengths-based approach, this article then moves on to examine the interventions of practitioners working in Youth Centers (YCs) and in Centres Local de Services Communautaires (Local Community Services Centers, or CLSCs). A qualitative analysis of the practitioners' personal practice descriptions and a quantitative study, based on a questionnaire measuring professional behaviors of the practitioners' work with 118 families, were done. Most of the practitioners concentrated on the personal weaknesses of the parents and accorded little or no importance to their strengths. The results also show that the organizational context influences the emphasis put on the parents' strengths by the practitioners.
  • Sands, R.G., Goldberg-Glen, R.S., Shin, H.(2009). The Voices of Grandchildren of Grandparent Caregivers: A Strengths-Resilience Perspective. Child Welfare, 88(2), 24-45.»摘要
  • Abstract: This paper presents the perspectives of grandchildren who are cared for by 20 grandparents or great-grandparents. It is based on videotaped family interviews that were analyzed qualitatively, and it shows how the grandchildren portray their parents and how they talk about their grandparents, as well as the grandchildren's Strengths and resources. This inquiry demonstrates the nature of the grandchildren's attachments to their grandparents and their resilience. Implications for child welfare practice are identified.
  • Sankaran, L., Muralidhar, D., Benegal, V. (2008). Strengthening Resilience within Families in Addiction Treatment. Indian Journal of Social Work, 69(1), 45-53» 摘譯
    Strengthening Resilience within Families in Addiction Treatment.
  • Sengupta, N.(2013). Poor Women's Empowerment: The Discursive Space of Microfinance. INDIAN JOURNAL OF GENDER STUDIESe, 20(2), 279-304.»摘要
  • Abstract: This article attempts to lay out the broad discursive space connecting the triad of microfinance, poverty and empowerment. Linking the neoliberal construction of individual agency with the construction of the role of third world' women in development, it critiques microfinance for a false promise of liberation which is predicated upon a reductionist approach to both poverty and patriarchy. The article argues that microfinance can at best become a coping strategy for poor people, with the onus of survival falling disproportionately on women without necessarily benefiting them in terms of rights and entitlements. However, with insights from primary observations, the article shows that it is possible for organisations to use microfinance as a tool to connect women to larger collectives and processes that are empowering. Such organisational initiatives require the right perspectives rather than huge funds. Thus, subversion of the neoliberal agenda can happen when microfinance is shorn of its larger than life image and used as a strategy in specific contexts.
  • Shuey, E. A., & Leventhal, T. (2017). Pathways of risk and resilience between neighborhood socioeconomic conditions and parenting. Children and youth services review, 72, 52-59.» 摘要
    Abstract: This study examined pathways between neighborhood socioeconomic conditions (concentrated affluence and poverty), neighborhood resources and collective efficacy, and three parenting behaviors: warmth, harshness, and physical aggression. Data were drawn from the 3-year-old cohort of the Project on Human Development in Chicago Neighborhoods, a neighborhood-based study (N = 999). Multilevel path models revealed that greater neighborhood affluence was indirectly associated with mothers' lower reports of physical aggression with their children via more neighborhood services for children, as reported by an independent sample of neighborhood residents. However, analyses using propensity score weights suggest the association between neighborhood affluence and parental aggression may be due to selection. Results are discussed with respect to implications for preventing child maltreatment.
  • Skovdal M., Andreouli E. (2011).Using Identity and Recognition as a Framework to Understand and Promote the Resilience of Caregiving Children in Western Kenya. Journal of Social Policy, 40, 613-630. » 摘要
    Abstract:Children around the world have been observed to assume caregiving responsibilities when a parent or other family members fall ill. Whilst the circumstances surrounding caregiving children in Anglophone countries have been looked at in detail, we know relatively little about how children in Africa experience young caregiving. This paper seeks to further our understanding of caregiving children in Africa by looking at how local constructions of childhood can facilitate their agency and resilience, paying particular attention to the role of identity and recognition. The study involved 48 caregiving children from Western Kenya who through individual interviews, photography and draw-and-write compositions articulated their experiences. The views of ten local adults have also been included. A thematic analysis revealed that caregiving children in Kenya are active participants in community life. Their participation is encouraged by local understandings of childhood and recognition of their efforts, enabling the children to construct positive identities that enhance their resilience. The paper argues that the way in which caregiving children in Kenya respond to their circumstances is influenced by a social recognition of their activities and agency. This recognition, mediated by local representations of childhood, allows the children to construct positive social identities that facilitate resilience. We conclude that there is a need for policy and practice on young caregiving, in all countries and contexts, to consider the role of social recognition and local constructions of childhood in shaping the resilience of caregiving children.
  • Son, H., Thomas, SA., Friedmann, E. (2013). Longitudinal Changes in Coping for Spouses of Post-Myocardial Infarction Patients. Western Journal of Nursing Research, 359(8), 1011-1025. » 摘要
    Abstract:Spouses are the key in the recovery and coping of patients after a myocardial infarction (MI). The purpose of this study was to examine changes in coping for spouses of post-MI patients over time. The study determined the contributions of a spouse's demographic factors and of time since the MI to the changes in coping. A secondary data analysis from the Patients' and Families' Psychological Response to Home Automated External Defibrillator Trial was conducted. On average, older spouses coped better than younger spouses. Coping significantly decreased over time. The spouse's coping decreased for spouses whose baseline coping was higher. Coping decreased more rapidly for spouses of patients who experienced an MI more recently. Patients and spouses need support to improve coping after an MI.
  • Stephens, T., & Aparicio, E. M. (2017). “It's just broken branches”: Child welfare-affected mothers' dual experiences of insecurity and striving for resilience in the aftermath of complex trauma and familial substance abuse. Children and Youth Services Review, 73, 248-256.» 摘要
    Abstract: The voices of mothers of color who have been affected by the child welfare system are typically marginalized and are largely left unheard. Yet, attending to their experiences may yield a wealth of strategies for system change and for other women to change their path or avoid child welfare system involvement altogether. Using augmented qualitative analytic methods from two phenomenological studies that utilized the life histories approach, the current study lifts up the voices of 15 women of color with past child welfare involvement as foster youth (and, for many, as mothers). The study findings highlight experiences within two broad themes: a) immense insecurity; and b) resilience, across domains in the lives of child welfare affected women. The mothers in this study share their insights into the aftermath of complex trauma and substance abuse within their families, particularly the relational, housing, and financial insecurity it wreaked as well as how they garnered resilience through perseverance, faith and empathy, and establishing stable homes. Implications for practice, policy, and future research are discussed.
  • Stanton-Salazar Ricardo D. (2011). A Social Capital Framework for the Study of Institutional Agents and Their Role in the Empowerment of Low-Status Students and Youth .Youth & Society, 43(3), 1066-1109. » 摘要
    Abstract: This article builds on a sociological account of working-class minority youth development and differential access to social capital-defined in terms of key resources and support provided by institutional agents (Stanton-Salazar, 1997, 2001, 2004). The article elaborates on the concept of institutional agents-specifically, high-status, non-kin, agents who occupy relatively high positions in the multiple dimensional stratification system, and who are well positioned to provide key forms of social and institutional support. The article focuses on the kinds of institutional support such agents are able to provide, and on the multiple and simultaneous [help-giving] roles assumed by those who provide this support. Drawing from empowerment theory in critical social work, the article provides a discussion about manifesting one's capacity as an institutional agent in ways that not only entails providing key resources, but also that enables the authentic empowerment of the student or young person. Influenced by Freirean philosophy, the article makes a critical distinction between "widening the pipeline" and "changing the world." Also new to this body of work is how access to resources and institutional support-among low-status students and youth-is significantly dependent upon the network characteristics, network-related capacities and skills, and networking orientations of those institutional agents devoted to supporting and empowering low-status youth.
  • Strolin-Goltzman, J., Woodhouse, V., Suter, J., & Werrbach, M. (2016). A mixed method study on educational well-being and resilience among youth in foster care. Children and youth services review, 70, 30-36.» 摘要
    Abstract: This paper, framed by risk and resiliency theory, presents findings from a youth led collaborative social research study exploring the facilitators of educational success and college attendance among former foster youth. A simultaneous component/parallel process mixed method design was conducted to explore factors associated with educational success among youth in foster care. Findings suggest that stability and positive relationships with peers and adult mentors ease transitions, and reinforce emotional connections impacting educational success and post-secondary attendance. This manuscript attempts to raise the volume on youth's successful experiences of education and highlight the implications for trauma informed practice in child welfare and school settings.
  • Thomas, SP., Phillips, K., Carlson, K., Shieh, E., Kirkwood, E., Cabage, L., Worley, J.(2013).Childhood Experiences of Perpetrators of Child Sexual Abuse. Perspectives in Psychiatric Care, 49(3), 187-201. » 摘要
    Abstract: PURPOSE: This study explored the childhood experiences of perpetrators of child sexual abuse. DESIGN AND METHODS: A blend of narrative inquiry and phenomenology was employed. Interviews were conducted with 23 community-dwelling perpetrators (21 males, 2 females). The education of participants ranged from GED to PhD. FINDINGS: There were four types of narratives: There Was No Love; Love Left; Love Was Conflated With Sex; and a Pretty Good Childhood. Chronic sorrow for a painful childhood was evident in most participants. PRACTICE IMPLICATIONS: Cognitive-behavioral treatment may not be optimal for all perpetrators because it is not designed to facilitate recovery from early trauma and loss.
  • Thrasher, S. P., Mowbray, C. T. (1995). A Strengths Perspective: An Ethnographic Study of Homeless Women with Children. Health & Social Work, 20 (2), 93-110.» 摘譯
    A strengths perspective: An ethnographic study of homeless women with children
  • Tsai S.& Cheney D. (2012). The Impact of the Adult-Child Relationship on School Adjustment for Children at Risk of Serious Behavior Problems. Journal of Emotional and Behavioral Disorders, 20(2), 105-114. » 摘譯
    Abstract: His study investigated the effect of the adult-child relationship on students' social outcomes, academic competence and school engagement in a two-year Tier 2 intervention, the Check, Connect and Expect program. One hundred and three students from 2nd through 5th grade, their classroom teachers, and nine school-based coaches participated in this study. Students were identified as at-risk of developing emotional and behavior problems based on Systematic Screening for Behavior Disorders (SSBD; Walker & Severson, 1992). Results indicated that teacher-reported social skills, academic competence and school engagement were negatively associated with SSBD maladaptive behaviors, and were positively associated with coach-student and teacher-student relationships. The teacher-student relationship had a major influence on students' behavior outcomes, academic competence, and school engagement. However, the coach-student relationship only had unique effect on students' social skill outcomes based on these data. These findings suggest that close teacher-student relationship can lead the developmental trajectory of children at risk toward positive school adjustment.
  • Truter, E., Fouché, A., & Theron, L. (2016). The resilience of child protection social workers: Are they at risk and if so, how do they adjust? A systematic meta-synthesis. The British Journal of Social Work, 47(3), 846-863.» 摘要
    Abstract: Globally, social workers protect, among others, children who are in need of care and protection. Child protection social workers protect children by means of statutory intervention. Concomitant professional risks threaten child protection social workers’ well-being and competence, resulting in sub-standard services, attrition and calls for child protection social worker resilience. Promoting child protection social worker resilience requires a deep understanding of child protection social worker risk and resilience. Given the scarcity of studies focused on child protection social worker risk and resilience around the globe, we aimed to ascertain how well child protection social worker risk and resilience are understood. We thus undertook a systematic meta-synthesis of fourteen qualitative studies on child protection social worker risk and resilience. This meta-synthesis demonstrates a comprehensive understanding of child protection social worker risk in minority-world countries, but not in majority-world countries. It also demonstrates an inadequate understanding of child protection social worker resilience worldwide.
  • Ungar, M.(2013).Resilience after maltreatment: The importance of social services as facilitators of positive adaptation. Child Abuse & Neglect, 37(2-3), 110-115. » 摘要
    Abstract: This practice note will show that resilience among children who have been maltreated is the result of multiple protective factors, including the quality of the services provided to children exposed to chronic adversity. This social ecological perspective of resilience suggests that resilience is a process resulting from interactions between individuals and their environments, and depends upon individual characteristics (temperament and personality), the social determinants of health that affect children and children's families, formal interventions by multiple service providers (child welfare, special education, mental health, addictions, public health, and juvenile corrections), and the social policies that influence service provision to vulnerable populations. Clinicians and researchers concerned with the resilience of chronically abused and neglected children have tended to overlook the protective processes unique to children who have been abused that are different from the protective processes that promote positive development among children who have experienced no maltreatment. Most importantly, studies of resilience among maltreated children have rarely investigated the impact child welfare interventions have on the resilience of children who have been maltreated, mistakenly attributing children's abilities to cope to be the result of individual factors rather than the responsiveness of service providers and governments to tailor interventions to children's needs. To enhance the likelihood of resilience among maltreated children, those who design and implement interventions need to address three aspects of resilience-related programming: make social supports and formal services more available and accessibility; design programs flexibly so that they can respond to the differential impact specific types of interventions have on children who are exposed to different forms of maltreatment; and design interventions to be more focused on subpopulations of children who have experienced maltreatment rather than diffuse population-wide initiatives.
  • Pinna, K. L., Hanson, S., Zhang, N., & Gewirtz, A. H. (2017). Fostering resilience in National Guard and Reserve families: A contextual adaptation of an evidence-based parenting program. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 87(2), 185.» 摘要
    Abstract: Military deployment of a parent is a risk factor for children’s internalizing and externalizing problems. This risk may be heightened in National Guard and Reserve (NG/R) families who tend to be isolated from other NG/R families and do not benefit from the centralized support system available to active duty families living on military bases. Isolation and trauma-related disorders may complicate the adjustment of military families during reintegration. An evidence-based parent training intervention was modified to meet the unique needs of recently deployed NG/R parents and their spouses, and the modified program was evaluated in a randomized controlled trial. The current study examines engagement and satisfaction with the program. Modifications such as employment of military-connected facilitators sought to maximize engagement in and satisfaction with the program. Engagement and satisfaction were examined between mothers and fathers, as well as between groups led by a military-connected facilitator and those led by civilian facilitators. Significantly greater engagement was noted for groups that were led by a military-connected facilitator (p = .01). There were no differences between genders in attendance rates, though greater positive group experiences were reported by mothers versus fathers (p = .01). Results are discussed in the context of engagement and satisfaction reported for similar programs. Implications for working with military families are also considered. 
  • Wakimizu, R., Fujioka, H., Yoneyama, A., Iejima, A., Miyamoto, S. (2011).Factors associated with the empowerment of Japanese families raising a child with developmental disorders. Research In Developmental Disabilities, 32(3), 1030-1037. » 摘要
    Abstract: We identified factors associated with the empowerment of Japanese families using the Family Empowerment Scale (FES) to contribute to the improvement of empowerment in Japanese families raising a child with developmental disorders (DDs). The study was conducted in 350 caregivers who raised children aged 4-18 years with DDs in urban and suburban districts in Japan. Multiple regression analysis of data collected from 275 respondents revealed that a decrease in family empowerment level correlated with a higher number of siblings reared together, a shorter period since the diagnosis was made, and lower awareness of social support and self-efficacy in caregivers. Medications, possession of an intellectual disability certificate, infrequent hospital visits of the child, disuse of local services by caregivers, and young caregivers also correlated with a lower level of empowerment in the Japanese family.
  • Weinman, M. L., Buzi, R. S., & Smith P. B. (2005). Addressing Risk Behaviors, Service Needs, and Mental Health Issues in Programs for Young Fathers. Families in Society,86 (2), 261-267.» 摘譯
    Addressing Risk Behaviors, Service Needs, and Mental Health Issues in Programs for Young Fathers
  • Wells, M., Zunz, S. (2009). Challenges and Strengths among Chafee Education and Training Voucher Eligible Youth: The Rural Service Providers' Perspective. Children and Youth Services Review, 31(2), 235-242.» 摘要

    Abstract: This paper explores service providers' perspectives on youth-related factors that impact the utilization of the Chafee Educational and Training Voucher (ETV) Program in three relatively rural states. Findings derived from mail surveys (N = 105) and in-depth interviews (N = 17) with child welfare and educational service providers highlight challenges and innovations found in working with Chafee ETV eligible youth. Implications for practice include the need to improve service delivery for rural youth transitioning to post-secondary education in the following areas: connecting with youth who are initially reluctant to stay linked to the child welfare system; addressing possible gaps in emotional or social supports: and providing concrete services like housing, transportation, and health care.
  • Whitley, DM, Kelley SJ, Campos, PE (2011).Perceptions of Family Empowerment in African American Custodial Grandmothers Raising Grandchildren: Thoughts for Research and Practice. Families in Society-the Journal of Contemporary Social Services. 92(4), 383-389.» 摘要

    Abstract: Empowerment practice is an approach to help marginalized families reduce their sense of powerlessness. The present study explores empowerment practice with a sample of low-income African American custodial grandmothers. It specifically describes how the effects of a strengths-based community service program influenced caregivers' sense of empowerment. Using the Family Empowerment Scale, the results suggest that the service intervention supports the empowerment dimensions and three subscales (knowledge, advocacy, and self-efficacy); the results did not support the competency subscale. Although all age groups experienced an increase in empowerment, older grandmothers had significant differences in perceptions regarding social systems, as well as a sense of competency as compared with younger grandmothers. Implications for service delivery and future research are presented.
  • Wong, D. J. K. (2008). Differential Impacts of Stressful Life Events and Social Support on the Mental Health of Mainland Chinese Immigrant and Local Youth in Hong Kong:a resilience perspective. British Journal of Social Work, 38(2), p 236–252.   » 摘譯
    Differential impacts of stressful life events and social support on the mental health of mainland Chinese immigrant and local youth in Hong Kong:a resilience perspective
    基於復原力的角度,本研究試圖探索風險和保護性因素對於移民和在香港的當地青年的心理健康之影響。結構式問卷包括中國青少年的生活事件量表,自覺社會支持滿意度量表和簡要症狀量表。兩百一十位年齡介於十五至二十的地方和移民青少年接受訪問。與我們的假設相反,調查結果顯示,移民青年比當地青年有較好的心理健康和類似的壓力程度。此外,同儕支持對於移民青年的心理健康有很大的影響。雖然「人際關係困難」為當地青年和移民所面臨的共同危險因素,移民青年面臨有關轉學和家長的衝突的額外風險。另一方面,吃苦耐勞、社會能力和同儕支持被認為是與心理健康狀況相關的保護因素。這項研究的意涵包括︰採取復原力的角度來理解提高移民青年的心理健康的保護機制;發展全國性的策略來建立在社會中的年青年的人際關係技巧,規劃具體方案加強同儕系統和解決移民青年的親子衝突 。
  • Yousafzai , AK, Farrukh , Z ,; Khan, K.(2011) A source of strength and empowerment? An exploration of the influence of disabled children on the lives of their mothers in Karachi, Pakistan .Disability and Rehabilitation, 33(12),989-998.   » 摘要
    Abstract:Method. aEuro integral A participatory qualitative research design was implemented. A women's group of caregivers of children with disabilities was formed. Several different tools were used during the course of the group meetings to facilitate discussion including social mapping. A thematic analysis of issues around care-giving and the relationship between the mother and her child with disabilities was conducted.
    Results. aEuro integral In a society where women may experience restrictions in freedom of movement and decision making, caring for a child with disabilities enabled women to move beyond traditional boundaries in seeking health and education services for their children. However, the gain in empowerment was counter-acted by a lack of care-giving support, a lack of appropriate services for health, rehabilitation and education of children with disabilities and stigma creating anxiety and stress for women.
    Conclusion. aEuro integral While children with disabilities do have some positive effects on the lives of their mothers, there are many more factors which create anxiety for this group of mothers (including a lack of care-giving support and stigma). Community-based rehabilitation strategies should consider the care-giving environment of children with disabilities and shift from a child only to family focus. Interventions which support, empower and strengthen the capacity of mothers are essential for the well being of their children with disabilities.
  • Zegarac, N., & Burgund, A. (2017). Caseworkers' perceptions of the strengths of the child family and community. Child & Family Social Work, 22(S3), 41-50.» 摘要
    Abstract: The 2002–2011 reforms of the social welfare system in Serbia produced changes to the assessment model in the field of child welfare. In addition to risks and needs, the new model considers the strengths of the child, family and community, marking a significant innovation for social welfare services. This paper aims to examine the perceptions of caseworkers regarding the strengths of the new assessment model that is used in social welfare centres in Serbia. Based upon a representative, stratified and random sample of 347 records of children who were referred to alternative care during a period of intense reform (2006–2011), notes taken by caseworkers were collected and analysed. The results indicate that strengths were poorly identified at the onset of work with the children, but improvement followed later in the process. This finding leads us to the conclusion that there are serious challenges and difficulties in transitioning from the problem-oriented model to the new strengths-oriented approach in the Serbian social welfare system.
  • Zeldin, S; Christens, BD; Powers, JL.(2013).The Psychology and Practice of Youth-Adult Partnership: Bridging Generations for Youth Development and Community Change. American Journal Of Community Psychology, 51(3-4),385-397.   » 摘要
    Abstract:Youth-adult partnership (Y-AP) has become a phenomenon of interest to scholars and practitioners. Despite the potential of Y-AP to promote positive youth development, increase civic engagement, and support community change, the practice remains unfamiliar to many. Although research has increased over the past decade, the construct remains vague with an insufficient grounding in developmental theory and community practice. This article seeks to address these gaps by synthesizing data and insights from the historical foundations of Y-AP, community based research, and case study. We propose Y-AP as a unifying concept, distinct from other forms of youth-adult relationships, with four core elements: authentic decision making, natural mentors, reciprocity, and community connectedness. We conclude that Y-AP functions as an active ingredient and fundamental practice for positive youth development and civic engagement. Directions for future research are offered.
  • Zolkoski, SM., Bullock, LM.(2012). Resilience in children and youth: A review. Children And Youth Services Review, 34(12),2295-2303.   » 摘要
    Abstract:Many children are reared in less than ideal family conditions (e.g., poverty, violence, substance abuse, family dissonance, family or personal illnesses). Situations such as these may inhibit the normal intellectual, social, and emotional development of children and youth, thus interfering with them reaching their full potential as adults. Conversely, many children encounter such adversities and fair well in spite of the challenges and may be considered to be resilient. This paper offers a review of the literature dating back to the 1970s to the present. In addition, several monumental longitudinal studies dating back to the 19505 are included. The paper reviews the (a) definition of resilience, (b) origins and recent advances in researching resilience, (c) protective factors, (d) models of resilience, (e) issues when researching resilience, (f) measures of resilience, and (g) resilience-based interventions.